Article 370: Supreme Court Verdict On Jammu & Kashmir

By Famous India


In August 2019, the Central government repealed Article 370, ending the special status of Jammu & Kashmir and subsequently restructuring the region into two Union Territories

Supreme Court Verdict

By September 2024, the Court ordered the Center to hold assembly elections and restore J&K's sovereignty

Key Points of Judgment

1. No internal sovereignty for J&K after accession to India 2. President's actions are justified under Article 370 itself 3. Concerns about lack of consultation with people of J&K

Impact of Verdict

As J&K integrates more with India, there's a risk of increased alienation and unrest, with the restoration of statehood seen as a potential solution to address concerns

Implications for Regional Security

The Article 370 revocation may lead to stability or renewed conflict, affecting India-Pakistan relations and highlighting the crucial role of the international community

Future of J&K

There is still no clear direction for Jammu & Kashmir, and the need for discussion and reconciliation is highlighted by the expected Legislative Assembly elections by 2024