10 Lesser Known Facts about Valentine's Day

By Famous India

Origin of Valentine's Day

 It is believed that the origin of Valentine's day have its roots in ancient Roman fertility festivals, particularly Lupercalia, celebrated in mid-February.

The holiday is named after one of the Christian martyrs named Valentine, he was associated with the acts of compassion and love.

Saint Valentine

Chaucer's Influence

Geoffrey Chaucer, the famous English poet, is often credited with popularizing Valentine's Day as a romantic holiday in the 14th century through his writings.

Valentine's Cards

The tradition of exchanging Valentine's Day cards dates back to the 17th century in Great Britain. These early cards were handmade and often featured romantic verses and elaborate designs.

The Oldest Valentine

The tradition of exchanging Valentine's Day cards dates back to the 17th century in Great Britain. These early cards were handmade and often featured romantic verses and elaborate designs.

Valentine's Day Around the World

 In Japan, it is customary for women to give chocolates to men, while in South Korea, the holiday is celebrated with multiple days of gift-giving.

Unusual Valentine's Day Traditions

In some parts of the world, Valentine's Day is not just for couples. In Finland, it is called Ystävänpäivä, which translates to "Friend's Day," and people exchange gifts with friends and family.

Anti-Valentine's Day

Some people choose to celebrate Anti-Valentine's Day as a protest against the commercialization of love. Activities may include hosting "anti-Valentine's" parties or participating in singles' events.

Valentine's Day Spending

Valentine's Day is a significant commercial holiday, with billions of dollars spent on gifts, cards, flowers, and dining out each year. However, the sentiment behind the holiday remains a cherished aspect for many.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is more than just roses and chocolates. It has a rich history and diverse traditions that reflect the universal themes of love and affection.

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Cleebrate prosperous Valentine's Day ahead