10 Forbidden Places In India 

Tourists Not Allowed

By Famous India

Aksai Chin, a disputed border region between India and China, is deemed unsafe for tourists due to territorial claims, military presence and security risks

Aksai Chin

There has been a significant drop in the number of visitors to Kerala's Silent Valley National Park as a result of a recent Maoist attack

Silent Valley National Park

Tourist access to the Chambal River Basin is restricted due to environmental preservation concerns and a history of criminal activity, particularly dacoity

Chambal River Basin

Tourist access to Manas National Park is restricted because of terrorist incidents in the past, including the 2011 kidnapping of WWF staff by Bodo militants

Manas National Park

Due to its links to well-known terrorist groups in Northeast India, Tura is forbidden to tourists, making it a risky trip despite its breathtaking scenery


Haflong is closed to visitors due to security concerns over militants linked to various terrorist organizations in the Assamese NC Hills region


Bastar, known for its stunning Indian Niagara Falls and natural beauty, is restricted to tourists due to the widespread Naxalite operations in the region


Phulbani, with its waterfalls and scenic scenery, is closed to tourists since it is situated in the Red Corridor, an area impacted by Maoist operations


Foreigners require passes to enter the Nicobar Islands, and access to tribal belts is restricted, and need special permission for research purposes

Nicobar Islands

Barren Island is off-limits for visitors due to safety reasons, despite being home to India's only active volcano with red-hot lava eruptions

Barren Islands

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